Thursday, November 1, 2007

More on the Hillary Flap

I found this of interest too when it comes to the Hillary flap and the debate. El Rushbo always makes things more understandable to me the untrained rank amateur. He had this to say on the NY License issue:
RUSH: That was the most pathetic skate; the most pathetic avoidance; that was horribly bad. Governor Spitzer -- she wouldn't even tell us what she thought about it. What governor Spitzer's trying to do is fill a vacuum created by this administration? It's BS. Let me give you the dirty little secret. Driver's licenses for illegals in New York, is all about one thing: voter fraud. Because of Motor Voter, the federal Motor Voter law, everybody getting a driver's license in New York is automatically handed a voter registration form. Five hundred thousand or more -- Mrs. Clinton just said a million -- illegal aliens. The potential for voter fraud here is profound, and to say that he's just trying to fill a vacuum?

RUSH: I checked the e-mail during the break. "What do you mean, Rush? Could you elaborate on this business of the New York illegal driver's licenses being a voter fraud scheme?" Folks, it's very simple. This is the plan by the New York governor Eliot Spitzer. If you get a driver's license, you get what? You get a photo ID, and a photo ID would allow you... When you show up to get your driver's license, because of the federal Motor Voter Act, everybody that gets a driver's license in New York is automatically handed a voter registration form, and if you do not have to prove citizenship to get a driver's license, then you go ahead and fill out whatever you want on your Motor Voter registration form, send it in, and you could probably vote with impunity. "In order to register, a person must sign an affidavit stating that they are an American citizen." Now, how does New York deal with this? Lee Daghlian, state board of elections spokesman, said, "You assume that people don't lie, and that's what the form says. [But] I suppose it would be [tough to catch] if someone wanted to take advantage of the system and try to get a number of people registered who aren't citizens and went ahead and got them driver's licenses."
He then went on to discuss an interaction between Chris Matthews and NBC political director Chuck Todd:
MATTHEWS: Did you feel, Chuck, that her briefing book let her down? She was well proposed by Mandy [Grunwald] and Mark Penn and the others, and Howard Wolfson, but she got stuck on an issue of state politics, the issue of these driver's licenses in New York state, and she didn't have a clear answer?

TODD: No. I think she got stuck when she has tried very hard not to answer specifics, and she does it because it's something that her husband learned very well: Be careful what you say in these primaries. I think she was trying to figure out a way to have it both ways.

RUSH: Exactly right! She was trying to not to tell us what she really thought about it, and she ended up telling us what she really thinks about it when she said we should have passed immigration reform. You're going to see during the day-to-day and throughout the rest of the campaign a whole bunch of people circling the wagons for her, such as this question, "Did the briefing book fail her?" Did the briefing book fail her! Notice, she didn't fail herself? No! It's her briefing book that "failed," as these people analyze and look at this sort of things. By the way, on this New York driver's license business, there's a New York Times story today. "The phone call from a top aide to Michael Chertoff, the secretary of homeland security, came two weeks ago, and the message was clear: The department was concerned that Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan to grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants would undermine a federal initiative to roll out a new highly secure, nationally recognized license.
I have to admit when I first heard this flap, the last thing I thought about was the illegal voting issue, but as always, Rush is there to make the complex understandable, at least for me anyway.

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