Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mars Warming

It seems that the evil conservatives plan to warm the earth might have worked so well, that we have also warmed Mars. NASA says that the planet is warming and may be coming out of an ice age. Some say that Al Gore has started to work on his next movie, "An Inconvenient Addition", in which he blames Bush for the entire planets downfall.
Scientists have suspected in recent years that Mars might be undergoing some sort of global warming. New data points to the possibility it is emerging from an ice age.

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has been surveying the planet for nearly a full Martian year now, and it has spotted seasonal changes like the advance and retreat of polar ice. It's also gathering data of a possible longer trend.
Of course this still does not rule out mans role in destroying Earth. If it is possible for Mars to warm without one single human to do it damage, would it not also alleviate man for ruining Earth? Not to the wacko environmentalist.

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